I have been looking for my
Grandmother’s birth record, on my father’s side for over ten years thinking her
name was Annie Wallace, hell Annie was even on her Tombstone. No matter how I tried
I could not find it, so as I was trying yet again without luck, I decided to look
again at the UK Census on which she was listed. Low and behold on the 1881 UK
Census which was only two years after she was born in 1879 her name was listed
as Ann not Annie. So I tried Ann instead of Annie and Bing-ho her 1879 Birth
Registry came up. Now in hindsight in comes to me, why didn’t I think of that before.
Everyone since she was a little girl probably called her Annie so even she
thought that was her name and not just a nickname.
The funny
thing is a similar thing happens on my mother’s side, only I knew about it
since my mother told me of it. See my mother was named Jeanette after her mother,
who thought her name was Jeanette only to learn that her name on Birth Registry
that her name was actually Janet not Jeanette, but it was Jeanette that was passed
Another time
that I had trouble with a nickname that wasn’t from the family, but from a
Census taker, who put my Great-Grandfather name on the 1881 UK Census as Paddy
instead of Patrick, which might have been a slur because he was an Irish
Catholic in Protestant Scotland. I was able to find the Census from his son
Robert, my Grandfather.
Even our last
name Boyle is actually a Norman name meaning woods, but what is appeared is
that my family changed their last name probably from a Celtic name to get along
in occupied Ireland.