By Richard Boyle
Irish (Donegal): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó
Baoithghill ‘descendant of Baoithgheall
My father
Hugh Wallace Boyle’s ancestry goes back to Ireland his ancestors were probably
Tenant farmers who left Ireland during the Potato famine, when over a million
Irish died, not just because of the potato famine, but because they were Roman
Catholic, no aid to feed the starving Irish Tenant Farmers came from Britain or the United States of America for
Ireland, both of which were Protestant Countries and did aid Protestant Scotland which was also hit with the Potato
Famine, but had few people die. Mary Duffy Boyle left Ireland with her son Patrick Boyle and traveled
to Scotland which
was near to the north part of Ireland where they probably lived.
Catholic Mass was outlawed in Scotland
until 1872 so they had to pray in their own homes. Once in Glasgow Scotland Patrick
married Sarah Queen. In Wishaw Scotland in 1972. They had seven children (which
was common in whose days) Patrick’s father-in-law got him a job as a
boilermaker passing the Occupation to his son Hugh Boyle who became a
Boilermaker and went to Boston Massachusetts in May of 1901. Then a year later
in April of 1902 Ann (Annie) Wallace came to Boston, since they had lived on
the same street Berry Row in Wishaw Scotland, I think the was already a romance
going on when they were in Scotland. Hugh married Annie Wallace in October of
1902 and they had three Children two girls Mary in 1904 and Vera in 1912, My
father was born in 1906 in Boston. He and his family went back to Scotland in
the year 1913. Hugh Boyle (My Grandfather) was as you can imagine a supporter
of Irish Independence and would hide guns for the Irish rebels. Later my
Grandfather left his family for Ireland
never to be heard of again. Ann filed for Relief in 1914, My father got in a few fights with the Orange
order which got him in trouble with the British Government. He left Scotland in 1929 and headed for New York. Once in New York he met Jeanette Greenwood who he dated even if
she was Protestant and they would have never met in Scotland where there was so much
hatred between the two groups. They married in 1931 and had three children Hugh
Wallace Boyle Jr born in 1933, Jeanette Wilkes Boyle born in 1935 and then came
me Richard Boyle born in 1941. Hugh Wallace Boyle Sr. got a job in Republic
Aviation Company in Farmingdale Long Island shortly after I was born and we
moved to Amityville Long Island just south of
Farmingdale. The Boyle Family story is still on going with better times for my
generation and hopefully for future generations.