Monday, December 28, 2020

Remembering the year 1968


Family: When the year 1968 began Adele Grace Eiermann and I, (Richard Boyle) didn’t even know each other, even though we both worked at AIL “Airborne Instruments Laboratories”. We finally meet in April and started dating. We dated all year except for a brief time when I visited my sister and her children in Florida. I drove a 1968 Firebird and Adele drove a 1960 Chevrolet. Before the year was over we agreed to get married.


The World:  The Vietnam War still rages on with working class Americans sent to kill and be killed for nothing.   Anti-War protests continue as President Lyndon Johnson says he will not run for anther term as President. Vice-President Hubert Humphrey runs against Richard Nixon. Peace talks start in Paris and Nixon says he will bring us peace with “honor”.

          Martin Luther King Jr.  is shot in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis and Robert F Kennedy is shot in Los Angeles.  The Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia; there is a Police riot at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Election Day. The results of the popular vote are 31,770,000 for Nixon, 43.4 percent of the total; 31,270,000 or 42.7 percent for Humphrey; 9,906,000 or 13.5 percent for Wallace; and 0.4 percent for other candidates.

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