Saturday, November 12, 2022

Peter McGregor Wilkes 1887 to 1915

     Peter McGregor Wilkes was born in Holytown Lanarkshire Scotland on the 4th day of June 1887 to Donald Wilkes and Margaret Armstrong Wilkes. Peter lived for a while with his sister Isabella Wilkes McCully working as a Puddler in a local Ironworks before war broke out between Britain and Germany, so he joined the Royal Scots being assigned to the 11th Battalion. The Royal Scots with Peter were first sent to Bordon in southern England for training then they were shipped off to Belgium in May of 1915 to stop the German advance. After surviving the battle of Loos in September, but in November Peter was killed in Action in a field in Ypres West Flanders Belgium where he was buried. He was buried in a mass grave with his comrades. The date of his death coincides with the first time the Germans used gas on the British troops, so that maybe the way he died, but I can’t be sure.

Shirley-Anne Leslie, Christine White and 6 others

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Human's Greatest invention.


Now what was the greatest invention in human history, some would say fire, but I think it was language. For with language people would listen to the head of the group who would come up with something in his imagination and with language he could convey it to the rest of the group, and it would become a group phenomenon.  Sometimes this would become a religion and although most of this stuff that people think up is fiction you should not look down on fiction for its fiction that brought people together to work on a common cause. They first to make stone tools, then paintings on cave walls and later on to group hunting and then building cities, ships and eventually to building a rocket to the moon.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Life begins at 80


Well, here I am little bit past my 80th birthday 80 years on this planet I have to say it was a pretty good life Better than I thought it would be when I first started out eight well a little bit short of 80 years ago.  I was born in Brooklyn it ends up a little bit slow on the uptake it always seemed to me that I was going on a normal pace but other people that I went to School with mostly teachers and bosses I worked with claim always will going slow. So, could do math, but not on speed tests if there was a time limit I was sunk.  I overcame that if you read my biography that is on ancestry and others it's quite long and I'm not a great writer so you really have to be interested in putting some meat on the bones of your family tree. Which I was always interested in doing what more what the persons were like which is one of the reasons I'm writing this I didn't do good in school especially the early years from kindergarten to 3rd grade with third grade teacher Mrs. Terry put me back a year which I paid for the rest of my school years and away I was given a pass through the rest of my school life which sounds good, but I should've put more effort on breaking out of that bubble. I did better in my working life with people seem to appreciate me more my first job was at Jones beach and at the end of the season they asked me to come in on weekends which one of the few people they asked then after high school my  then sister in law told me to go to the unemployment office and they would give me a list of jobs that are available so I did I went to one in Bay Shore on Union Ave and they gave me a  job listing for a A&S department store which was only opposed to before three or four days. But lasted four years with time out for the for US army where I was drafted into and did alright I got out of going to Vietnam which was probably the best thing that happened to me in the army. I hated army when was on base, but I did like the field trips or maneuvers so I after the army I went back to the job a  A&S I worked there for another two years and decided it's time for change and I got a job at AIL in Deer Park. which was  Airborne Instruments Laboratory there I did so well I found myself my future wife the love of my life so that was a very successful job after which  I got a job at New York telephone where I did very well an lasted 33 years until my retirement which is still going on so all it was a good life Adele and I had two boys one of each had two more boys who are now striking out on Their  life’s journey as I did some 60 years ago I hope they have as good luck or maybe better than I had.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Boyle Family from Ireland to Scotland to New York


By Richard Boyle

Irish (Donegal): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Baoithghill ‘descendant of Baoithgheall



My father Hugh Wallace Boyle’s ancestry goes back to Ireland his ancestors were probably Tenant farmers who left Ireland during the Potato famine, when over a million Irish died, not just because of the potato famine, but because they were Roman Catholic, no aid to feed the starving Irish Tenant Farmers came from  Britain or the United States of America for Ireland, both of which were Protestant Countries and did aid Protestant  Scotland which was also hit with the Potato Famine, but had few people die. Mary Duffy Boyle left Ireland with her son Patrick Boyle and traveled to Scotland which was near to the north part of Ireland where they probably lived. Catholic Mass was outlawed in Scotland until 1872 so they had to pray in their own homes. Once in Glasgow Scotland Patrick married Sarah Queen. In Wishaw Scotland in 1972. They had seven children (which was common in whose days) Patrick’s father-in-law got him a job as a boilermaker passing the Occupation to his son Hugh Boyle who became a Boilermaker and went to Boston Massachusetts in May of 1901. Then a year later in April of 1902 Ann (Annie) Wallace came to Boston, since they had lived on the same street Berry Row in Wishaw Scotland, I think the was already a romance going on when they were in Scotland. Hugh married Annie Wallace in October of 1902 and they had three Children two girls Mary in 1904 and Vera in 1912, My father was born in 1906 in Boston. He and his family went back to Scotland in the year 1913. Hugh Boyle (My Grandfather) was as you can imagine a supporter of Irish Independence and would hide guns for the Irish rebels. Later my Grandfather left his family for Ireland never to be heard of again. Ann filed for Relief in 1914,  My father got in a few fights with the Orange order which got him in trouble with the British Government. He left Scotland in 1929 and headed for New York. Once in New York he met Jeanette Greenwood who he dated even if she was Protestant and they would have never met in Scotland where there was so much hatred between the two groups. They married in 1931 and had three children Hugh Wallace Boyle Jr born in 1933, Jeanette Wilkes Boyle born in 1935 and then came me Richard Boyle born in 1941. Hugh Wallace Boyle Sr. got a job in Republic Aviation Company in Farmingdale Long Island shortly after I was born and we moved to Amityville Long Island just south of Farmingdale. The Boyle Family story is still on going with better times for my generation and hopefully for future generations.

Monday, December 28, 2020

The passing of the year 2020

The year started like any other with Richard William Boyle turning 15 on February 9th.  Richie continued to have trouble in his Acorn Ave home and was Sent to a home in Deer Park Long Island. He was alright when he visited us about every other weekend. He started going to the BOCE School in Bellport Long Island.

          Kenneth John Boyle Junior passed his High School Junior tests therefore becoming a High School Senior at Patchogue-Medford High School in September.   Ken also passed his Driver test getting his driver’s License. He got a job at Best Buy in the Patchogue store. Ken said he wanted to move in with his Grandparents when he turned 18 in December, but his uncle John told him if he stayed with them Ken could use John’s car so it looks like he will stay in his Acorn Ave home. Ken ended the year with a Girlfriend named Madison or Matie for short.

          Kenneth John Boyle Senior Tested [ Positive for Corona virus in April staying in Quarantine for about two weeks before testing negative. Ken said most if not everyone came down with the Corona Virus. So far we were lucky for only Kenny came down with many around the world dying of the Virus.

          Michael John Boyle Usually do reenacting with his brother Kenny Sr., but not this year for all reenacting events were canceled because of the Virus Mike and Ken also had to cancel a trip that they had planned to Boston.

          Adele and I did a lot of Gardening stay out the publics way and we turned in our 1917 Chev Cruise to the Jeep Dealer then Leased a 2021 Jeep with all the bells and whistles


Remembering the year 1968


Family: When the year 1968 began Adele Grace Eiermann and I, (Richard Boyle) didn’t even know each other, even though we both worked at AIL “Airborne Instruments Laboratories”. We finally meet in April and started dating. We dated all year except for a brief time when I visited my sister and her children in Florida. I drove a 1968 Firebird and Adele drove a 1960 Chevrolet. Before the year was over we agreed to get married.


The World:  The Vietnam War still rages on with working class Americans sent to kill and be killed for nothing.   Anti-War protests continue as President Lyndon Johnson says he will not run for anther term as President. Vice-President Hubert Humphrey runs against Richard Nixon. Peace talks start in Paris and Nixon says he will bring us peace with “honor”.

          Martin Luther King Jr.  is shot in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis and Robert F Kennedy is shot in Los Angeles.  The Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia; there is a Police riot at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Election Day. The results of the popular vote are 31,770,000 for Nixon, 43.4 percent of the total; 31,270,000 or 42.7 percent for Humphrey; 9,906,000 or 13.5 percent for Wallace; and 0.4 percent for other candidates.